Monday, February 18, 2008

I'm sitting here with Angie...

We are both boyfriendless this semester.  Damn boys!  So we are hanging out together and I don't have to work tomorrow except at the pet grooming place so I'm drinking orange juice with a little bit of a kick to it.  And I can't really type on my new computer yet.  the keyboard is so much more compact and my old desk top.  Anyone want my old computer?  I don't have any use for it anymore!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Trip to South Africa

So I can't believe I'm really going to South Africa again. It still doesn't seem real and I'm leaving in under a month. I just don't know how this happened. I'm really exciting though. I will get to see all my old friends from South Africa and go to all the places that were oh so good. Mzoli's!!! I can't wait. I Think one of the most exciting things is the food. I'm so excited to have all the delicious food over there with all the different kinds of cuisines. I might even eat a Wimpy Burger again (It's really not that good though, but hey the name says it all!)

So for anyone who wants to know, namely Katrina, I will be leaving March 6 in the evening right after class to fly to New York. We are staying in New York that night and the next I think and then leaving for South Africa. We'll be in Capetown for most of the time and then go over to Durban and go on a safari again in that area. I think we get home on March 23, so if you want to communicate with me during that time. Email is probably going to be the best way. I think I will be taking my phone, but it will be too expensive to actually answer it.

Friday, February 1, 2008

I wonder if I'll ever get better.

So, the last couple days I have been sick. I hate being sick. I can handle everything, but feeling congested all the time. My head is constantly pounding and I just want complete silence. That's hard to get in my house with a little shit of a dog who barks at everything and everyone. I only stops barking when he has the toy he wants (which is whatever toy the other dogs have). I want my sickness to go away! Hey on the bright side only one month until I leave for S. Africa and about a week and I'll get my Macbook Air!