Saturday, January 24, 2009


Listen,they don't hear
listen,a still small voice
listen, i don't hear
listen, empty
say it, I love you
i want to feel it

soon ,i feel
soon, i know
soon, the time is come
soon, a talking voice
say it, not condemn
i know it will not change

goodbye, to you
goodbye, its not the end
goodbye, til we meet again
goodbye, to me
do it, i love you
peace is elusive

I watched a show tonight and the network for women. inspirational? I don't think so. Sometimes you realize that's the way things are. You either accept them and move on or you get stuck where your at. Eternally stuck doesn't sound good to me, but i don't see any other choice.

God is great.
God is compassion?
God is the avenging Angel.
God is love?
God is truth.

I have the truth, but not completely. Do any of us? I don't think so... I really don't. The truth hurts sometimes, sometimes too much.

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